Monday 5 October 2015

Roll Up for Breakfast!

Cornetti Ripieni di Prugne Freschi & Pistacchio
Cornetti Filled with Fresh Plum & Pistachio


Call it a croissant if you must, or if you are French I suppose, but in Italy, we call these simple rolls of puff-pastry, served at breakfast time, "cornetti", or "little horns"... And you can just picture me charging at them with my horns down, ready to attack the lot of them I bet! That's quite an accurate description of how I finally attacked them after finishing my photos in any case! Haha!

I decided to make these a little special by adding fresh plum and pistachio, spiced with cinnamon but only very slightly sweetened... An absolutely wonderful way to start any Sunday!


Although of course they are ultra-simple to make, I am definitely not suggesting this is something you should make every day... Because that delicious puff-pastry IS sinfully rich with butter and calories after all... But every now and again... Yeah! Why not!?!?


No recipe required here... Just surprisingly little fruit- just ONE plum was all I needed to make 4 cornetti! A tablespoon of ground pistachios, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and sugar respectively... And a roll of store-bought puff-pastry... And that was all!


Puff pastry is one of those things that you absolutely can and should buy yourself... Life is too short to even bother attempting this kind of perfection in an everyday cooking situation... Chill out, get real and have fun!


Once you have turned on your oven to get it hot and ready, finely chop the plum and add your teaspoon of sugar. Stir it through and let it sit and let the juices develope until you are ready with the rest of the preparations.


Simply cut your pastry into triangles, width-ways across the length of the roll, making them as large or small or cutting as few or as many as you desire... It's all good.

Sprinkle evenly with pistachio and cinnamon and then scatter the diced plum on top, leaving a nice clean edge around the outside.


See? You don't need all that much to get these this nice and full!


Simply roll up the pastry triangles from the outside, wide-end, towards the narrow tip. Don't make the roll too tight, so that the filling has a little room to let off steam and moisture as it bakes and the pastry has plenty of room to puff-up in volume.


Once your rolls are done, shape them into crescents and sprinkle them with a little more pistachio, before popping them into a hot oven, at around 180 C, for 20-25 minutes until puffed-up and golden brown.


It can be so simple to make something so wonderful! Aren't they just as pretty as a picture?

And no, don't worry, they are all still here... I am just letting the last one cool off a little more for you... I can show you how lovely that filling looks on the inside! And it tastes every bit as good as it looks, too!

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